Friday, March 13, 2009

Chapter 11-Interpersonal Relationships: Growth and Deterioration

Relationship Development What are some of the major theories that explain why you develop the relationships you do?
  • Attraction theory holds that you develop relationships with those you consider attractive (physically and in personality), who are physically close to you, and who are similar to you.
  • Social exchange theory holds that you develop relationships that enable you to maximize profits, relationships from which you derive more rewards than costs.
  • Equity theory holds that you develop and maintain relationships in which the ratio of rewards compared to costs is approximately equal to your partner's.

Relationship Maintenance

What are the reasons for relationship maintenance? What behaviors do people use to maintain their relationships?

  • Reasons for maintaining a relationship include emotional attachment, convenience, children, fear, inertia, and commitment.
  • Maintenance behaviors include being nice, communicating, being open, giving assurances, sharing joint activities, being positive, and improving yourself.
  • Relationship maintenance can be achieved by following the rules for keeping the relationship, whether friendship or romance, together.

Relationship Deterioration

What is relationship deterioration? Why do relationships deteriorate?

  • Relationship deterioration refers to the weakening of the bonds holding people together. It occurs when one or both parties are unhappy with the current state of the relationship.
  • Among the causes of relationship deterioration are maintaining unrealistic beliefs about relationships, excessive intimacy claims, third-party relationships, relationship changes, undefined expectations, sex-related problems, work-related problems, and financial difficulties.

Relationship Repair

What is relationship repair? What strategies can you use to repair a relationship?

  • Relationship repair refers to the process of correcting the problems that beset a relationship and bringing the relationship to a more intimate, more positive state.
  • General repair strategies include: recognizing the problem, engaging in productive communication and conflict resolution, posing possible solutions, affirming each other, integrating solutions into normal behavior, and risking.
  • Repair isn't necessarily a two-person process; one person can break unproductive and destructive cycles.

Relationship Dissolution

What is relationship dissolution? What strategies are used to dissolve relationships?

  • Dissolution refers to the breaking or dissolving of the bonds that hold the relationship together.
  • Among the strategies are positive tone, negative identity management, justification, behavioral de-escalation, and de-escalation.

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