The thing that represent my culture is my jade necklace. The figure of my necklace is Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara or Kuan Yin. This necklace was a gift from my mother when my family went on a vacation in Beijing.
During the olden days, jade necklace or bangle is given by their parents to their daughters when they get married. They have to wear it everyday without taking it off. The reason is because jade is a type natural rock and it is very good to our health if we wear it as a necklace because it's near to our heart. Other than that, the colour on the jade will change according to the owners 'mood'. They believe that by observing the colour changes of the jade worn by their daughters can determine whether their daughters are being treated well or not by their husbands family.
The figure of my necklace, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, is my godmother. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is known as goddess of mercy by the west. He was a prince and had lots of legendary about his life. However, Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is seen in female figure because a lot of people would pray to him for fertility. So, the devotees change his statue into a female figurine. He was known well for his mercy and he was willing to give up his chance to be a Buddha just to wait for all human beings to reach Nirvana.
So, I would pray to her by repeating '南无大慈大悲救苦救难观世音菩萨' whenever I need some confidence. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is my faith. I learn to be as mercy or kind like him. This necklace is very meaningful to me. It represents my mom's concern about me and also give me a lot of faith in my life. I think this necklace represents both Chinese culture and Buddhism culture well enough. Hence, I present you my jade necklace.
This is my necklace. Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara
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